Saturday, September 21, 2013


 "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Nona- A pause outside the flower shop.
Dash- Every night, without fail, someone is thirsty and wants out of bed:)

I have been quite busy this week with tying up lose ends before our move. Today was our last visit to the farmers market here. If you didn't know already, Saturday is our family day and we go to the market and come home and cook a yummy meal together. Today it was heavily raining. I dressed the kids to get wet and headed out. The kids played in the puddles while I stood under a big umbrella, sipping a soda, eating a chili dog while listening to The Smiths  being covered by a local guitarist. I think we all had a good time:)

Saturday, September 14, 2013


 "A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Nona- Doing her favorite thing in the world(besides eating berries), coloring! We sat coloring butterflies out at the nature preserve this morning. The weather was perfect!

Dash- Having his first game of "hopscotch". He was actually very good at it!
Following along with Che' and Fidel!

Sunday, September 1, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Dashiel- On top of his uncle's shoulders at the Dragon Con Parade.
Nona- Trying hard not to show her sleepliness...she lays her head on the bed, but only for a second! Then she's off again!

Following along with Che & Fidel with 52.
Favorite this week- Bijou and her floral crown.

The children and I were lucky enough to get to go to Dragon con this weekend. Nona meet tinkerbell and Dash sword faught just about anyone who would play along. I wish I could say (or show) better portraits this week, but truth be told, I hate crowds!