Sunday, May 19, 2013


 "A Portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013"

Nona- Visiting a new park, Nona climbed to the top of the slide to scope out the scene.
Dashiel- My son requested that his face be painted as a green kitty. And his shaved ice of choice-green apple. Can you guess his favorite color?
Favorites this week-Megpie, & larissia,
Following along with Che & Fidel

Had a great time at our neighborhood block party, today! Parrots, face paint, food trucks, live music, games etc. I just wish I had another peach shaved ice!


  1. Love your shots! I agree with your little boy, green is the best ;)

  2. I miss them so much! I love your blog

  3. Aww Lovely! Look at those bare arms and wellies :) And yay for Green! It makes me happy too Dashiel. Just like cupcakes. 2 great photos xx

  4. cute photos! she is so lovely :)

  5. Gorgeous in boots!!!
